
Agile vs Agile

April 1, 2013
programming Technology

Bash Best(ish) practices part 4

March 30, 2013
bash Food for Thought on IFTTT

Bash Best(ish) practices part 3

March 24, 2013
bash Food for Thought on IFTTT

Bash Best(ish) practices part 2

March 17, 2013
bash Food for Thought on IFTTT

Bash Best(ish) practices part 1

March 9, 2013
bash Food for Thought on IFTTT

Perl invocation options

February 23, 2012
perl Technology

Processing multiple queries with Perl DBI and mysql

July 6, 2010
DBI perl perl modules Perl::DBI

Perl SOAP::Lite Example

May 28, 2010
API perl perl modules SOAP SOAP::Lite Technology